Serve Teams

Get Outside Yourself

Serve teams are where you can use your gifts to make a difference in the lives of others, both in our church and in our city. Serving isn’t what we do; servant is who we are. In Jesus, you’re created to go on mission with others! We have various serve teams for you to join, and we’d love to help you get started. Join a serve team today!

Fill Out An Interest Form Below

Serving with kids infant-5th grade


Serving with students 6th-12th grade


Serving as a singer or playing an instrument


Serving in live production with audio, video, and lights

host Teams

Serving as an usher, greeter, café, and more


Serving in photography, social media, writing, or video

Lead A Circle

We believe in you, and we’d love to help you lead your own Circle. We have a simple training that will help you learn how to make disciples, create a great Circle environment, and grow in the process!