Our Story


Valley Creek was started in 1992 in the home of Pastor Kevin and Lisa Evans in Lewisville, Texas. With a heart to see Jesus move in the city, over the next 19 years, the church grew and met in five different locations. Big things really do start small.


In 2010, our founding pastor, Pastor Kevin, took his next step and moved to China as a missionary. Pastor John Stickl became the new lead pastor of Valley Creek and a new season was born.


We started to “follow the Cloud,” believing that wherever God is leading us is always better than where we’ve been. Our vision was to help people take the next step on their journey with Jesus. We simply ask, listen, and respond to the voice of God – doing whatever He invites us to do.


By faith, we declared that we were going to become a worshipping church and started learning how to experience and encounter God. We’re passionate about the presence of God, believing His presence is the greatest change agent in the universe.


As we focused on reaching the next generation, we became one of the fastest growing churches in the country. We felt like God was inviting us to build our own leaders to disciple the people He was bringing to our church. Developing kingdom leaders of all ages became a part of our culture, and 95% of our staff has been raised up from within our own church. We believe that everyone was created to be a kingdom leader.


We took a huge step of faith and launched our first Missional Move – A1:8. A Missional Move is simply when we take a next step so someone else can take theirs. We expanded our Flower Mound Campus, launched our Denton Campus (officially becoming one church that meets in multiple campuses), and launched a church-planting school in India.


Our current icon was created and solidified our culture of being a Jesus-focused, Spirit-filled, and Life-giving church. We believe Jesus is the narrow gate that leads to a wide life.


By faith, we started Missional Move – Breakthrough. Through this, we launched our Lewisville Campus, Venue Campus, and the Next Steps Center so we could better serve the city.


The Three Circles was born as a simple way to teach the Gospel. The Father’s Heart is for us to receive His grace, experience His presence, and release His kingdom. We believe that we are drawn by grace, not driven by expectations. In Jesus, we are invited to live free as beloved sons and daughters. This theology has changed our lives.


We rolled out our new vision, “a movement of hope for the city and beyond.” We launched Missional Move – Hope for the City – our biggest step of faith yet. We doubled down with a heart to go from four campuses to eight, putting a harbor of hope within a 20-minute drive of everyone in North Texas to raise up hope carriers to change their world.


Even in the midst of a global pandemic, we continued to advance God’s kingdom and launched our Gainesville Campus. Because of the generosity of our church, we continued to be debt free and own all of our campuses.


As the world continued to change, we responded by launching our Online Campus. We leverage technology to present the Gospel. We went from being a church for the city to a church for the world, and have hope carriers all over the globe.


After years of prayer and preparation, we launched the Hope Carrier Initiative. A hope carrier is simply a disciple of Jesus living on mission to change their world. We believe every follower of Jesus has been commissioned and empowered to bring His hope into the spaces and places they go every day. We want to see God’s kingdom come and His will be done in every area of life. It’s time to change your world!


A Different Way became more than a series; it became a new way of life. We spent an entire year talking about doing the things that Jesus did behind-the-scenes (prayer, fasting, celebration, sabbath), so we can do the things that Jesus did on the spot (peace in chaos, hope in the midst of despair, purpose in the mundane).


So, here we are. This is our story. You either took this ground by faith or are enjoying it by sight. We’re not where we’re going, but we’re so much farther than where we’ve been. This isn’t a, “you should’ve been here when” kind of church, this is a, “we’re so glad you’re here now, let’s go write the next chapter together” kind of church.