Can you see it?

We’re coming to the UNT & TWU area, and we can’t wait to meet you!

No matter who you are or where you’re at, we want you to know that hope is here, everyone is welcome, and Jesus changes everything.

University Campus Location

Our University Campus will be located on 2.2 acres across the street from the University of North Texas Welcome Center. It’s on the corner of Eagle Dr. and Avenue A in Denton.


Sundays, 9:30am & 11:15am

2221 S Loop 288, Denton, TX 76205

Join Us Now

We’d love to have you join us at any of our campuses until our University Campus is open!

Ways to Get INvolved

Young Adult Circles

Young Adult Gatherings

Frequently Asked Questions

Valley Creek is a non-denominational church where unique individuals come together to receive and release the hope of Jesus in every area of life. Our vision is to be a movement of hope for the city and beyond, and we’re all about raising up generations of hope carriers! We are a Jesus-focused, Spirit-filled, and Life-giving church bringing hope to the city and beyond.

As we prepare for launch, we will announce opportunities to join the launch team. Until then, join a serve team at your local campus and bring hope to the community where you are planted.