This Sunday in Student Leadership, we get to engage with Week 2 of our training plan together! This is found on pages 22 and 23 of our journal. We will be engaging scripture together through a practice called reflective reading. We encourage you to use the guide in your journal to practice this beforehand.

Because this will be our first time engaging this practice together, this week will be led from the front by our Student Directors. Here’s a brief overview of what the morning will look like:

  • Welcome from Student Director
    • Invite students to recite monthly memory scripture
    • Remind students about their Student Leadership commitments
      • Remind students that arriving late counts as an absence for the overall monthly attendance
  • Set up Scripture Practice
  • Engage Scripture Practice together
  • Give space for everyone to answer the question on page 23
    • The win is to talk about how we experienced God (NOT what we learned from the passage or what the passage means)
  • Discuss together as a room (not with pods)
    • We will be discussing together for this first month so we can collectively learn from the experience