October Monthly Gathering

Hey Coaches!!

It’s time for our monthly gathering! We can’t wait for this month’s discovery of Forgiveness & Grace!

The best thing you can do is join us in praying for kids. 


You can start now by praying these over kids, families, yourselves, your co-coach, and Kid’s Directors/Kid’s Team:

– Jesus you are our one thing!

– Thank You that You want to reveal Yourself to us more and more!

– Will you help us be open to everything You want to show us tonight?


Here’s a snapshot of the gathering:

  • Coach Huddle | 5:45pm
  • Doors Open | 5:55pm (this is 5 minutes earlier this year!)

  • Event Starts | 6:00pm

    • Pizza/Ice Breakers *This is where you will also grab their level for the month and mark it on your Pod roster!

  • Prayer | 6:05pm

  • Game Time “Boom Clap Grab” | 6:07pm

    • Here’s how to play: This game, you will break up into pairs of 2 (can be 3 for any pods that need to- coaches can play too!)

    • Put the marker perfectly in the middle between the 2 players 

    • Director yells out instructions randomly

  1. clap- players clap their hands

  2. boom- players slap the table 

  3. grab- players have to try and grab the marker 

  • Leadership Essential #2 (Leaders are on time) and Table Time | 6:23pm

  • Discovery Video (In, Jesus I have been set free) | 6:37pm

  • Leadership Lab and Table Time | 6:44pm

* Please watch the videos below that demonstrate an important part of this lab*

  • Our lab tonight is going to be a physical picture of when we’re in a mess, just like we talked about tonight – we’ve all been stuck in a mess before!

  • The first thing we’re going to do is get into partners – if you are a girl we’re going to ask you to partner with another girl, if you’re a boy we’re going to ask you to partner with a boy. 

  • Once your director prompts you, you will be handing a bag with 2 strings in it to each pair of kids. 

  • You as coaches are going to help your pod put the strings around the kid’s wrists. 

  • The Director will be leading this lab from the front and then release each pair for about a minute to try to separate themselves from their partner

  • After kids have had 1-2 minutes to try and figure it out, have coaches quietly go to 1 pair & show them the secret to freeing themselves, while declaring over them: 

“You’re stuck in a mess & you can’t free yourself but in Jesus you have been set free!” Now you’re empowered to live free – as a beloved son/daughter. And you’re empowered to go and tell others how to live free!”

[have kids help other pairs be free, have coaches there to help & to make sure the same declaration is made over the next pair. Once everyone is free go ahead and sit back at tables to discuss at pods.]

  • Prayer | 7:04pm

  • Free Time | 7:05pm

    • Level up Store is back!

Don’t forget to snag some photos and upload it on the link that is on the homepage!