This Sunday in Student Leadership, we get to engage with Week 1 of our Month Four Training Plan together! This is found on page 69 of your journal. Here are some best practices to help you prepare to lead the discussion this Sunday:

  • Review your notes from the Monthly Gathering and be prepared to share your answers to the questions in the journal.
  • Here are a few follow-up questions to encourage students to dig deeper:
    • Which of the five areas is the Holy Spirit highlighting to you? How can you do it WITH the Holy Spirit?
    • What’s your plan to engage your training plan on your own this month?
    • How will you continue to do the things that Jesus did over the break?
    • Who’s one person that can hold you accountable and check in with you over the break?
  • Watch the Monthly Topic Recap Video ahead of time so you can leverage it in the discussion.